At SERaro we are conscious of the fact that for anyone with a disease is extremely important to have access to an assertive and fast diagnose, information about the disease, and the possibility to share experiences with other patients. For a rare disease patient, this is CRITICAL.
Our mission is to improve the welfare of everyone that approach us, providing them:
Access to relevante information about the disease and similar pathologies;
Contact details of relevant specialists experts in the disease;
Contact details of other patients (with their consent) with the same or similar relevant pathologies;
A word of support and hope.
With such actions, we will:
Support patients and their families and carers to find more about their diagnose, recommending relevant specialists;
Support doctors to improve their ability of diagnose and treatment of rare diseases by recommending patients with the same or similar disease;
Support increasing the knowledge about exceptional rare disease especially within the medical community;
Reducing the distress of our members, families and carers and other families, providing them support and a word of hope;
Promote the communication with other international institutions which represent and support the same or similar pathologies, in order to share knowledge and experience.